Our Mission
Making Rocky Hill, New Jersey a Bike Friendly Community

Goal 1
Making Rocky Hill a place for those who live in it, not commute through it by using a bike friendly community approach to solve Rocky Hill’s problem of high volume, high speed pass-through traffic.
Goal 2
Encourage and continue the work that has been done so far on bike, pedestrian, and traffic-calming improvements.
Goal 3
Recognize the hard work of all of those who have made our Borough a better place to live in.

• Walkable and bikable communities have higher property values – 23.5% higher.
• Reduction in the traffic that uses Rocky Hill as a through street. Making it a a better place to live.
• Improves the types of businesses that Rocky Hill can attract to its “main street” creating a vibrant down town.
• A Bicycle Friendly Community prioritizes bikes and pedestrians to help our community grow and create a healthier, safer environment for those living there.
• Developed and managed by the League of American Cyclists.
• Provides vision and goals along with guidelines needed to achieve.
We are a collaborative and community-centered town who can get work done.
We have a great head start:
• 1/3 green space and parks – Van Horne Park and Millstone Park.
• Pedestrian/traffic calming work to date
• Proximity to the Delaware & Raritan Canal State Park
• Historic district and grid that make a walkable and bike-able downtown.